Letter from the President
Dear Members
Firstly, I wish to give a big thank you and well done to all our members who
helped out at our Open Show in June. It was, once again, a huge success
and with everyone’s help and continued support that success will grow in
the future.
Thanks also goes to everyone else who made the effort to come along to
our show to enjoy a nice day out goldfish keeping and from my point of
view, the enjoyment of interacting with people talking ‘fish’.
Once again the show was well supported with around 200 quality exhibits,
which made the judges think quite hard over their decisions as the competition
between exhibitors was very strong. The overall best exhibit was a ranchu, which
was a lovely fish and well deserving of the title. The quality of the exhibits was
clear to see and they are a credit to all the owners and breeders who took part
in the show. It was also nice to see some new faces in the hobby picking up
awards, which only goes to show that the hobby is still attracting people into it
and I hope that these new faces continue to progress within this wonderful hobby.
This years auction was one of the best that we have ever had, with some fantastic
fish for sale at very competitive prices. It has been a long time since the auction
attracted such nice fish, which in itself is a reflection of the standard of the
breeding and fish stocks in general.
I hope that everyone enjoyed the show as much as I did and look forward to
seeing you all again next year.
Andrew Barton