7th National Open Fancy Goldfish Show
This Year our show is larger than ever before with 72 classes, 24 Adult classes 24 single entry classes and 24 team of four classes, the societies of the Nationwide committee have come together and decided that all goldfish with standards would be given their own unique class. And so, with the Butterfly Telescope approved as a Nationwide standard, we have 21 separate goldfish varieties, with two classes in the Fantails, Calico and Metallic, and two classes in the Veiltails, Calico and Metallic, brings us up to 23 classes, which then leaves us with the Non-Standard classes of adults’ single entry and teams of four fishes which gives us 72 classes in total. I am sure after two years of no shows breeders and exhibitors will be keen to show their fish and entries will be large.
You can enter your fish by post, text, email or phone, my phone number is 07936398861 and my email is:
It is “pay on the day” as usual.
Good Luck, I look forward to meeting and greeting you once again.
Graham Turner
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