Nationwide Goldfish Societies UK New Logo Design
At our first meeting of the year last March we discussed the idea of having a new logo designed for the Nationwide Goldfish Societies UK that is responsible for any future modifications to the Nationwide Goldfish Standards and organising and staging the National Fancy Goldfish Open Show, held on the last Saturday in September (this year it falls on Saturday 30th).
The meeting decided that if we used a fish image it should not be one that any of the four societies that comprise the Nationwide Goldfish Societies UK use but should represent the complexity and refinement of a Goldfish variety standard that tests the skill of the breeder to the limit. i.e., twin tail, round body, eye or head development etc., It was agreed that we should go for an Oranda, preferably a calico.
Within a couple of days June very kindly and expertly produced a number of options based on a couple of themes and after going back and forth with the nationwide delegates that showed an interest in the exercise we settled on the image shown. Our thanks go to Graham Turner, Keith Waters, Bob Jones, Ian Mildon, Andy Barton, Sherridan Moores and most of all to June for the fantastic job well done. (we had to drop the idea of the Calico colouring – there is a limit to our graphic skills being all born before the computer age. The image will now be at the centre of all the rosettes at the national show and eventually on the award cards once we have used the ones printed only last year.