AMGK Open Show 24th June 2017
This year’s show was planned and staged in the usual well rehearsed fashion with many of the club members
turning up early to help set up the main show hall, auction room and canteen. This was all done in plenty of
time and time to spare to enjoy a well earned cup of tea!
The main show hall was well presented with 211 entries of top quality show fish with all the classes being well
supported and especially large classes of Shubunkins, Moors, Fantails and Veiltails, which made judging
extremely difficult. However, this did not delay the proceedings as judging was concluded in record time and
we were able to open the doors to the public on time.
The auction was probably one of our largest and most well supported that we have ever put on, with a huge amount of quality fish achieving good prices – it was almost a show in it’s own right, the fish were that good!
For the second time the AMGK hosted the Fancy Guppies UK who staged a round of their league at the
show – all presented on their new show stand. This year room was made for them at the back of the hall,
which helped to integrate them into the show and allow visitors to get a better look. They have proved to be
a very successful addition to our show and I hope that everyone enjoyed seeing the fancy guppies.
A full account of the show can be found in our July 2017 Newsletter