Nationwide Goldfish Societies UK National Fancy Goldfish Open Show 2021 Poll
We have now had over twelve months without any physical society meetings, missing two AMGK
Open Shows and having to cancel the 2020 Nationwide National Open Show.
We had hoped that the COVID situation for the country would be over by now but, alas, the
pandemic has hit the whole world much harder than early sceptics anticipated. However, we are
beginning to see some relief in the UK and hopefully see some ‘normality’ as the summer months
progress. It is hoped that we might be able to have at least one club meeting before the year is out
with tentative preparations being underway, without prejudice, beginning with a view to staging a
National Show for the Nationwide Goldfish Societies UK in October.
Members are asked to report and make known any willingness to exhibit their fish and help with
any preparations required for such meetings and shows. Inquiries are being made to the staff that
administrate venues to ascertain their thoughts and possible requirements before we can confirm
a future booking, with the Government and, more importantly, the Science and Public Liability
Insurances informing a final decision. As soon as we obtain a general willingness from sufficient
member numbers to help and partake in principle, we will let members know where we might go
on our road to normality.
To assist with this please complete the following Poll